Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I Digress...

I promise I will finish writing about the excitement of China. But there are a few things I want to get off my chest today!

You Know You Teach in South Korea When...
1. A Sweet Potato Latte after dinner starts to sound logical.
2. You have been hit by a delivery man on a scooter at least once.
3. Only two of your fellow foreign teachers actually plans to teach when they go home.
4. You know that the barbershop on the third floor isn't just a barbershop.
5. The Internet has become a lifeline.
6. You feel that kernels of corn go on any food at any time. As long as pickles come as a side dish!
7. The "English Speaking Teller" at your bank does not, in fact speak English, but he can read it if you write your requests down.
8. Anyone old enough to remember the Korean war is super nice to you!
9. You begin to feel that you need, and not just want, frequent manicures, no matter what your gender.
10. You aren't sure what to be when you grow up! :)

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