Sunday, May 18, 2008

Here Comes The Sun?

The President of South Korea campaigned on taking a tougher stance towards North Korea. It seemed to be one of his selling points with older voters, from what my friend's say.
However, reading some of his recent comments, it almost sounds like he is shifting his position. In speeches this weekend, he sounded more like his predecessor, and what I know of the "Sunshine Policy." Consider these quotes...

The President said, ``...South Korea is ready to help North Korea change and move toward openness.'' Reporters in the ROK press noted that this is exactly like "something Kim Dae-jung, the architect of the Sunshine Policy of engaging with North Korea, had reiterated during his presidency."
According to the English language papers, President Lee "also said the two Koreas should move from confrontation to co-existence" and from hostile relations to "reconciliation."
Rhetoric and Policy are different of course (just ask Bush).
We'll see what happens...

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