Thursday, July 17, 2008

Sisyphus Gets a New Gig

Why are these children smiling?

As you'll remember, the Greek Sisyphus was a king who had the bad luck to be cursed to roll a huge boulder up a tall hillside, only to watch it roll down again, and to repeat this oh-so-scintillating task forever. Not a fun afterlife, as after-lives go. :)

On my worst days, teaching out at the rice paddy school this year, I have felt a little like Sisyphus. Only, my boulder has tended to be interactive learning activities that get omitted for being too "messy" and English CD-Roms that decide not to play on Tuesdays. I have pushed my lesson plans forward, only to watch them tumble down again...

But, no more! Some of the kids did well, most of the kids had fun, and, most importantly, all of the kids are done. Done. Finished. "Fin-ish-ee" as the students say.

Why am I smiling?

I finished.

I made it.

Perhaps just 'cause I'm stubborn.

I did it. :)

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