Friday, August 15, 2008

Olympic Baseball Quagmire

Non-sequitor of the week...
What happened to the US Olympic baseball team?? Hmm? The South Koreans kicked our behinds! Where was the American pitching? Where were the dramatic mid-air catches? Some of the American batters didn't even start running right after they hit the ball...I know it's mid-season for the pros and all, but really, the US has better players to offer. Where were the young stars, the Red Sox of tomorrow?
I have been told that Americans introduced baseball to South Korea as a sport during the Korean war, if this is true it is a little sad to see us so soundly beaten at , literally, our own game. Baseball IS supposed to be our "national pastime," isn't it?
The South Koreans played superior batters, that's all there is to it! After a while, it was painful to watch, even while eating ice cream in my boyfriend's sweet air conditioning.
I have one word for the US baseball coaching staff:
OK, enough ranting, now back to my recent adventure travels...


Stevadoo said...

I think the problem is that Team USA did have the Red Sox of tomorrow. They should have had the YANKEES of tomorrow.


PF said...

Do you mean what we needed were egotistical pretty boys who love money more than sports?? Hmm? :)