Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Beyond Tolerance

Well, here we are in week 2, and my co-teacher is still out sick. I don't fault her, the poor woman's in the hospital trying to take care of herself and her future baby. It's just frustrating that it is happening...AGAIN this semester. The co-teachers change, but things seem to stay the same.
So, I am back to mime, and translation, and occasional Konglish just to get through the material to practice the key phrases correctly (not my ideal!!). All the translation, on top of a regular school day, is, frankly exhausting. There are also the few older boys who are testing the situation. If there's no co-teacher, can they act up? Well, they can try. But then they hold books over their head...when in Rome, do what the Romans do.
I think that there is a place beyond tolerance of a bad situation that is no one's fault. I guess it's resignation. It's an exhausting locale. :(

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